Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, in New Delhi, April 25, 2022. — Reuters
#Snubbed #pivots #India #trade #security #ties
The European Union’s top leadership is ready to make a historic visit to India this weekend, which aims to strengthen trade and diplomatic relations with the United States during tensions.
European Union President Ursola Van Deer Leene, with his college of commissioners, will engage in high -level debates with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government in New Delhi during a two -day visit on Thursday.
The visit marks the latest Brussels efforts to reduce the dependence on the United States and establish itself as a stable partner for business.
Van Der Leean praised India as one of the European Union’s “highly trusted friends and allies” before this trip, “In this era of intense geostractic competition, Europe openness, partnership and out Reach means. “
About 26 26 EU commissioners are to join the 66 -year -old German politician, with the block executive billing as a first visit to the South Asian Dev. December.
This came when US President Donald Trump eliminated Brussels’s close partnership with Washington, abolishing the European Union’s tech laws, threatening prices, and negotiating Ukraine with Russia’s Vladimir Putin Launched and reduced European allies.
The European Union has been left “in search of friends” and India, the most populous country in the world, is the “natural candidate,” said Andre Spare of Brussels based in Brussels.
Brussels has been working to expand its horizon since Trump won the White House in November.
In recent months it has announced to strengthen the trade agreement with Mexico, resuming talks with Malaysia, a new deal with South America’s Block Mercosor and the “first” European Union Central Asia Summit.
The European Council for Foreign Relations (ECFR) Think Tank’s James Kybery said it has also taken another reconciliation note to China, “however” “is an important strategic challenge for Europe”.
“Building strong ties with India – with growing global influence, democracy – offers both maximum economic opportunities and political appeal,” he said.
The agenda will be more trading.
The European Union is the largest trading partner, which has a business worth 124 billion euros ($ 130 billion) in 2023 – which is more than 12 % of the total Indian trade.
India’s expansion market provides key opportunities for defense to agriculture, automobiles and clean energy sectors. Still, protected by high rates, it is currently only 2.2 % of the EU trade in goods.
A European diplomat said the negotiations for the trade agreement were re -launched in 2022, and they were leaning with each other for slapping friends and enemies from the White House.
The diplomat said, “The issue of a free trade agreement has never been strong.”
AI and defense
Kyrbbatri said that Trump has pledged to increase trade in Washington this month, but India is also seeking new relations as a “hedge against the United States”.
The European Commission’s journey is tough in connection with the visit of British Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds, aimed at resuming to the stopping trade talks.
“In the shadow of the US tariff, India return to the table for trade talks with the UK,” a headline at the Indian Express Daily Red on Tuesday.
The biggest challenge for New Delhi in recent years is to create millions of new jobs for its young and rapidly expanding skilled workforce.
The Indian government has also called for Europe to grant a sharp visa for its business and students for years.
Cooperation on technology and artificial intelligence, where Europe and India want to play a major role, will also be on the table.
The European Union diplomat said security and defended, Brussels added that New Delhi wanted to “join the forces” with New Delhi. The supply of defense equipment, the implementation of EU sanctions against Russia, and peace talks on Ukraine are likely to be discussed.
India has long been pursuing a policy of strategic sovereignty in foreign affairs.
Historically, near Russia, a traditional military supplier of military hardware, has resisted Western pressure to move from Moscow after the invasion of Ukraine.
It is not expected that any agreement will be signed as a result of the commission’s visit, but the European Union India summit in India should pave the way later this year.