We’ve seen Sanam play a vamp quite effectively; how did she respond to characters that might threaten her morals?
#uncensored #Sanam #Saeed #Film
Instep interview
Sanam Saeed comes across as someone who is articulate, forthcoming, composed and incredibly focused on her work. She epitomizes the fun and fearless female role model and has forged her own career path on her own terms. Never one to run behind commercially popular formulas, Sanam’s career has been uneventful in terms of ‘success’ as we know it but if measured in terms of sincerity with performance skills, it is immensely successful.
2016 was a big year for him, especially in films. She was seen playing the titular role in four films and one serial. Last year, Sanam decided to devote most of her time to theatre. He went on to lead an adaptation of the classic folk tale, Heer Ranjha, and played three roles in a local production of the Broadway spoof of Alfred Hitchcock’s The 39 Steps.
This year Sanam Sarmad Khost’s seven-episode series will be seen in the final station and then on the big screen with Rehan Shaikh’s Azad and new director/writer Asim Abbasi’s much-anticipated Cake. In a chat with Instep, Sanam talks about the unexpectedness of her choice and more.
“I, for one, don’t have a formula,” he said with great clarity. “I just need something that speaks to me. I have to feel something; when I read a script and I want to play a role, or I really want to be a part of a certain project, or I believe that I have to feel something in the message and how it is presented.”
“That’s why I haven’t been a part of TV lately,” she said, highlighting the lack of innovation and practicality on the small screen. “So far everything I’ve been offered hasn’t had the message I want to convey and sometimes I get typecast into playing certain types of roles, and so when I deviate from them Gets a bit light-hearted, fun, fluffy. Or glamorous roles, I think I don’t enjoy them as much as I do because I think it’s important to be different and constantly challenge yourself. He added, “I just read a very powerful script I’ve been, but I struggle with poverty.”
For an actor who has such strong opinions on the way women are portrayed in TV and film, it’s surprising to learn that Sanam doesn’t associate herself with feminism. In contrast to her off and on-screen, on several occasions, most notably at the Luxe Style Awards 2016, Sanam has said that she thinks the feminist movement is “overrated”. When one questions her about her unexpected response, she often blames the extremists’ confusion between being a flag bearer for women’s liberation or mismanagement.
“It depends; it has to be taken in context. By nature, I think any woman who fights for her rights and demands equality in terms of how she’s treated, she Feminist. However, when you call yourself a feminist, you are immediately conceived as a man-hater, and in these circumstances, if you are asked, and if I must be labeled, So I’m not,” she explains. “I do, as you’ve seen in my work and in general, advocate for women and I believe that when women are not given their fair share, now is the time to change that. It has arrived.”
We keep talking about her range and technique and Sanam says that she finds it extremely important for her to connect with her characters to make them more believable. “To give a realistic performance, you always have a bit of yourself in your characters. That’s the difference between a heartfelt performance and a maybe,” she says. “Even in my work, sometimes when it hasn’t been my best performance, it’s mainly because I didn’t really relate to that particular role, and I did the play for other reasons, You know, to change it up a little bit, to challenge myself, but I wasn’t really connecting with the character.”
We have seen Sanam play the role of a vamp very effectively. How does he respond to characters who might threaten his morals?
“A woman playing a vamp is not against my morals,” she quickly replies, “what is against my morals is teaching the wrong message or portraying them in a positive or glamorous light. For example, praising or encouraging abusive women is unfair.”
“A vamp is a confident, sassy woman,” he added. “It’s very difficult to write villains so well that they become the crux of the story. I’m waiting for the day when someone writes a great female villain like that. Supernatural was just not something I wanted. Granted, but I don’t, I started my career playing villains.
Film-wise, Saeed starred in Asim Abbasi’s Cake which brings us a fascinating atmosphere of emotions and characters, which is slated to release this spring. Apart from Amna Shaikh and Adnan Malik, the film also stars Mikal Zulfikar, Muhammad Ahmed and Bev Rana in supporting roles. Cake is taking a very fresh approach to filmmaking but does it promise an impressive turnout at the box office?
“When I read Cake, it was so emotionally touching and deep, and so relatable and familiar that it was just beautiful,” Sanam expressed with great joy and eagerness. “A reporter once asked me why my films don’t do well at the box office, and all I had to say was when did I work for the box office? I work for myself. I want to do projects like this. For which I am happy. Every day, I am proud to be a part of it and I am not ashamed or embarrassed.”
With a refreshing aesthetic and a seemingly well-crafted narrative, Cake also does its part in providing well-rounded, well-rounded female characters. Little is known about the plot but one wonders if Keck is close to getting rid of women used only as eye candy on the silver screen.
“Cinema is a male medium, and television is a female medium, so women’s roles in film are always going to be kind of sidelined and men have to play more roles because I think that’s the case everywhere,” Sanam reflects. on dynamic industry. “There are some women-centric films that don’t work and that’s because men watch films, they take their wives and families to the cinemas, while most women watch television at home. I Don’t know if we can fight for better roles for women in cinema, but we can try and there are writers like Asim.”
What was it like working with the director for the first time? “This is the best experience I have ever had. I don’t think I have ever worked with a better director,” Sanam said with satisfaction. “He was very intuitive with all of us, he knew exactly what our weak points were, whether it was acting or using too many eyebrows, or whatever our safe zone was. Asim challenged us and pushed himself. , and didn’t act, but feel and connect with our characters, we went through every moment and every scene.”
We look forward to the release of the cake on March 30th, hope it doesn’t disappoint.