#Factcheck #Melting #icebergs #affect #world #sea #levels
A photo of ice cubes in a bowl of water before and after melting has been shared thousands of times, claiming that if the ice cubes can melt without raising the water level, the melters Icebergs will also fail to affect global sea level. This is misleading. Although the melting of icebergs already present in the ocean will not contribute dramatically to rising seas, the increasing number of icebergs as a result of climate change is contributing to global sea level rise.
Many people may have done this experiment in elementary school: put ice cubes in a glass of water, then see how much water there is before and after they melt. Nothing changes, the water level stays the same. So did a photo shared more than 4,000 times on Facebook and Reddit with the caption, “A little science lesson for the #IDIOTS at the Global Warming Conference.”
This experiment is not infallible, but it is misleading in its conclusions about the effects of climate change on sea level.
This experiment illustrates Archimedes’ principle: anything floating displaces the weight of its fluid. But the University of Leeds study says that “because seawater is warmer and more saline than floating ice, changes in the amount of this ice have an effect on global sea level.” “
This experiment also fails to take into account the water level before the cup is filled with ice. Ted Scambos, senior research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, explained: “If you did a similar experiment with a cup of water that was almost full and then you added a large iceberg to it, , so it will hit the top.”
Where do icebergs come from?
Icebergs are formed by the breakup or breakup of large bodies of ice such as glaciers or ice shelves.
Ice sheets are avalanches on land. On Earth we have two: Greenland and Antarctica. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, “snow sheets form in areas where snow that falls in winter does not melt completely in summer.” Glaciers are formed from snow on two ice sheets that have turned into ice.
Glaciers can also be found on mountain tops, for example in the Alps. Because of their slow movement, they can be compared to rivers of ice.
If the water is cold enough, this movement can create ice shelves that end up in the ocean. They are bodies of ice attached to glaciers, but floating on water.
AFP has obtained an official draft of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report due out on September 25 on oceans and the cryosphere.
It says the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets lost about 400 billion tonnes of mass annually in the 2015s, equivalent to about 1.2 millimeters of sea level rise each year.
Water from the ground
“The problem is that there are a lot of icebergs being formed because of the melting of ice from ice sheets like Greenland or Antarctica,” Scambos told AFP. The main part is above the sea level and if you put this ice in the sea, it raises the sea level.
Environment and Climate Change Canada’s report states: “Mass loss of glaciers and ice caps (small ice shelves) in the Canadian Arctic is the third largest cryosphere contribution to global sea level rise.”
Compared to the 1980-2000 period, seas will rise by about half a meter by 2100 if the Earth warms 2C above pre-industrial levels, and 3C-4C globally, the IPCC draft special report says. It will heat up to 84 cm.
The effects of rising seas will be felt in Canada. According to Natural Resources Canada, “Atlantic and Pacific Canada, and the Beaufort Coast in the Arctic will experience relative sea-level rise, while parts of Atlantic Canada will likely experience sea-level rise above the global average this century.” is.”