This November 16, 2018, photo from Nasa’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, obtained on December 3, 2018, courtesy of NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona, shows Bennu from a distance of 136 km. — AFP
#asteroid #Bennu #strikes #Earth
WASHINGTON: Beno, a rocky item, which has been classified as a nearby Earth, is currently 186,000 miles (299,000 km) from the ground, which is closest to it. With one of the 2,700 landslides in September 2182, astronomers predicted that it could be closer in the future.
What will happen if Beno is killed by our planet? According to recent studies based on computer impressions of the effects of Kishodarra, such as Beno, which is about three tenth mile (500 m), it will not be beautiful.
In addition to the immediate catastrophe, it is estimated that such effects will injure 100-400 million tonnes of dust in the environment, which will hinder climate, environmental chemistry and global photo synthesis. It continues for four years.
“Due to dust, solar decline will cause a sudden global ‘effect winter’, which is characterized by sunlight, cold temperatures and surface rainfall.” Posen National University in South Korea and the main author of the study published this week in the journal Science Advance.
In the worst of situations, researchers found that the average land temperature will decrease by about 7 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius), the average rainfall will decrease by 15 %, the plants decrease by 20-30 %. Will be Photo synthesis and 32 % reduction in the planet’s ozone layer, which protects from harmful solar ultra -violet radiation.
Researchers said that the effects of an object of the beano-sized-sized medium-sized teargarra-will produce a powerful shockwave, earthquake, forest fire and thermal radiation on the surface of the earth, will suffer a difference and debris. Large quantities will be removed upwards.
According to Excel Timerman, a director of the DIA and ICCP, DAI and senior author of the study, large quantities of aerosol and gases will reach the upper environment, which has years of impact on climate and ecosystem. Will be
He said that the unpleasant conditions of climate will stop the development of plants in the earth and the sea.
“Unlike the rapid decrease of plants on earth and two years of long recovery, the ocean will recover within six months of the sea-and then the unprecedented dietom (a variety of algae) due to iron-filled dust The flowers also increase. “
Researchers say that due to strong warming due to the solar absorption of dust particles, you will go upside down the second environmental layer – a severe decrease of ozone in the Stratosfire.
The expansion of this expansion can cause a massive loss of human lives, but this calculation was beyond the scope of study. The potential tool for death “Dye said,” mainly depends on where the influence of Kentarra is. “
Scientists know one of the great things about Beno, which is considered “debris piles” tension – a loose of rocky material instead of a solid item. It is a large heavenly body’s rocky remains that were found near the dawn of the solar system about 4.5 4.5 billion years ago. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) robotic Osirus Rex Space Space ship traveled to Beno and collected rock and dust samples for analysis in 2020.
A study published in January shows that Beno samples contain blocks of some chemical buildings of life, there is strong evidence that Kishodarrah has linked the initial land with raw components that have appeared to be the appearance of organisms. Have promoted.
Kishodarra has occasionally hit the ground on its long history, often with devastating consequences. A Kishodarrah is estimated 6-9 miles (10-15 km), which was affected 66 million years ago off the coast of Mexico’s Yukton Peninsula, which eliminated about a quarter of the world’s species and dinosaur. The age was over.
In 2022, NASA changed the speed of Demorphosis using its robotic Dartpace spacecraft using its robotic Dartpace spacecraft, keeping an eye on the future.
“It is likely that Beno -sized teens attack will invade the earth at 0.037 %. Although it will be very serious and will cause long -term food insecurity on our planet and climate conditions. Which are similar.
“So it is important to think about this threat,” Tammerman added.