People wave national Pakistan flags and the flags of AJK on the arrival of Prime Minister Imran Khan before his address to the nation outside the Prime Minister Secretariat building in Islamabad. — AFP
#Pakistan #renews #pledge #Kashmiris #Solidarity #Day
Pakistan reminds Kashmir today (Wednesday) of the day of solidarity, and is confirming its permanent support for the right to self -determination of the Kashmiri people recognized by UN resolutions.
Annual observation is observed on February 5, this day is a public holiday across the country, with solidarity in different cities and Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK).
Pakistan stands with the people of Indianly -occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), emphasizing its irrevocable support for their struggle against Indian occupation and oppression.
In Islamabad, a rally is to be held in the Constitution Avenue. At 10 am, the siren will raise the voice, and a minute of silence will be seen by paying tribute to the Kashmiri martyr.
Posters and billboards highlighting the plight of Kashmiris have been kept in key locations, including airports and railway stations.
In Muzaffarabad, the AJ’s Legislative Assembly will hold a special meeting to express solidarity with these people in the illegal occupied Kashmir (IIOJK).
Human chains will be formed in Mangla, Kohala, Barakot, Azad Patton, and Holler, a symbol of unity between Pakistan and AJK. A special event will take place in Mangla Bridge in Mirpur, such incidents have been planned in Kotli and Bhimber districts.
In his message about Kashmir on the day, President Asif Ali Zardari said that the day has said that the international community has reminded the international community about their responsibility about the oppressed Kashmiri people.
He said that the UN should respect the promises made by Kashmiris 78 years ago and support their struggle for their right to self -determination.
Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that the people of the government and the people of Pakistan witnessed the annual ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ so that he is permanent for the justice and legitimate struggle of the Kashmiri people to understand the right to self -determination. Renew support.
He said that in the interest of sustainable peace in South Asia, the international community should urge India to allow the Kashmiri people to freely determine their future as long -lasting peace gets from suppressing the real aspirations of the locals. Can’t be done.
The Prime Minister said in a message of Kashmir solidarity, “Recent developments in the Middle East have shown that long -standing conflicts should not be allowed to intensify.”
In a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office, Prime Minister Shahbaz quoted: “The right to self -determination is a fundamental principle of international law. Every year, the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution in which The legal right to decide the destiny of the people has been emphasized. “
The Prime Minister said that the Kashmiri people have not been able to exercise this right despite the passing of the last seventy years.
“Today, Indian illegally Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) is one of the most military zones in the world. Kashmiris are living in an atmosphere of fear.”
The Prime Minister said that political workers and human rights guards have faced long detention and property seizures, and by incorporating political parties, representing the real aspirations of the Kashmiri people, has been banned. He added that the intention of these oppressive measures was to crush disagreement.
The Prime Minister added that India is also taking steps to strengthen its illegal occupation of IIOJK.
He added, “After its illegal and unilateral measures of August 5, 2019, India’s efforts are aimed at engineering population and political changes so that Kashmiris can be transformed into a defective community in their soil.”
The Prime Minister reiterated that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute would be an important pillar of his foreign policy.
He reiterated, “Pakistan will continue to offer the Kashmiri people their irrational moral, diplomatic and political assistance as long as they join the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, their self -determination. To achieve the rights of, “.
The Prime Minister also saluted the commitment and courage of the brave Kashmiri people, who continued to make countless sacrifices in their struggle to achieve their basic rights and freedoms.
Armed forces confirm Kashmiris’ support
Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee of Ben Services (CJCSC), General Saheer Shamshad, Services Heads and Pakistani Armed Forces also confirmed their unwavering support in the struggle to eliminate IIOJK’s flexible people. ۔ .
He also paid tribute to the unprecedented spirit of the Kashmiri people, who have endured decades of oppression, brutality organized by the state and tremendous human rights abuses.
The army’s media wing states, “His commitment to oppression is a signal of courage and inspiration for the entire nation.”
The army’s media wing said that Pakistan’s armed forces have strongly condemned the ongoing human rights abuses in IIOJK, including illegal casualties, imposing missing persons and disobedience.
He added that these mistakes stand as a serious crime for India’s clear neglect for international law, humanitarian principles, and basic human rights.
According to the statement, “We urge the international community, global human rights organizations and the United Nations to remove the Kashmir people’s plight and to ensure the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions. What steps take. ” CJCSC and Services Chiefs.
It added that Pakistan’s armed forces are committed to their commitment for the fair purpose of Kashmir and are committed to protecting Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The statement concludes that “we are standing from shoulder to shoulder with our Kashmiri brothers in the right achievement of freedom and dignity.